Get Rid of Fleas Once and for All

Turn to us for effective flea removal in Wilmington, Kure Beach and Carolina Beach, NC

Do you have a flea problem in your home? Whether fleas hitched a ride in on your four-legged friend or came from another source, Sea2Mtn Pest Control has you covered. We proudly offer flea removal services in the Wilmington, Kure Beach and Carolina Beach, NC areas.

Our pest control specialists understand fleas are difficult to get rid of due to their long lifecycles. An infestation can take months to contain. By getting ahead of a problem early, you can reduce the amount of time and money spent on flea removal treatments.

Stop your flea problem in its tracks. Contact our professional pest exterminators today to schedule services.

5 signs you have a flea problem

The signs of a flea infestation are easy to spot. Contact our exterminators for effective flea removal if you notice:

  1. Your pets scratching more frequently
  2. Flea bites around your ankles
  3. Flea eggs or droppings in your carpeting
  4. Pale gums in your pets
  5. Sudden hair loss on your pet

We can provide flea removal for slab, crawl space and beach-style homes. Reach out to learn more about our extermination process.